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My Story


I'm Mardi Elliott, a life coach nestled in the stunning landscapes of Banff, Alberta. Surrounded by mountains, forests, and lakes, I draw daily inspiration from this pristine environment. My coaching journey blends seamlessly with my interests in yoga, meditation, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

I guide individuals through life's transitions, offering support in goal-setting, career aspirations, and finding life's purpose.  Bringing a holistic approach to coaching, including physical well-being through exercise and healthy living. Besides coaching, you'll find me being a mom and partner, hiking, cooking, spending time with family, friends and assisting our Bow Valley community.

Let's replace limiting beliefs with empowering perspectives and craft a life that resonates with our true potential. I'm excited to be your coach on this journey of growth.

Warm regards,
Mardi Elliott 🌿

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"The more we understand who we are, clarity naturally shines through"


"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" 

                                             Lao Tzu

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